
Whats Most Important Web Design Or Search Engine Optimization

What Comes First - The Website graphic design Or The SEO? This is a question that will raise a lively debate but the company you keep will have a large bearing on the answer.A graphic designer who specialises in visual design will argue in many of cases that the web design is the priority of course. And let’s face it without that visually attractive to the eye design a possible client will navigate away from your site within a matter of seconds or so they lead you to believe. But then that raises the issue of how did the browser get there in the first place?The typical web development curve goes along the lines of initial design is presented ..website design looks excellent and is given the go ahead. We need some content ok, Take the text from our existing old site.....website is uploaded and time passes but only minimal traffic!And then Iphone 4s Speaker more time passes until eventually perhaps many months later the situation is either so bad or the company are having to spend out on adwords that finally website promotion firm gets called in or the boss starts asking questions, and before you know it you are investing in a web marketing strategy to try and get noticed by the search engines.Is this really the best way to go? The hundreds of website owners that have followed this exact or similar path will certainly argue that it most definitely is not as this Motorcycle Apparel put up and hope web development criteria delays any websites success by months and sometimes years, and even more frightening results in huge losses of both business opportunity and profitability.The search engines don't care about what the site looks like but with no attention to SEO so often this important first exposure when the website first gets indexed is wasted, if all the search engines find is a badly optimized site with scant regard paid to any SEM requirements or keyword capture.An additional in reality small investment spent on pre development SEO ,for example keyword research and optimisation gives an excellent return on investment as invariably initial indexing is bound to achieve a far better search engine position from the beginning and even in some cases a page one result straight away.Do not leave your website performance to chance as you will only be condeming your company to failing to achieve its ultimate performance from web based traffic. The internet is without a doubt an excellent aid to capturing new potential prospects for your business and increasing turnover and profitability.

